• Pre Cleanse Instructions

Pre Cleanse Instructions

Cleansing your body and mind involves a change in mindset and daily habits. A juice cleanse or detox package is not like a pill from the pharmacy that you can just buy and consume to see the effects straight away. Hence it is important that you follow our pre-cleanse instructions to get the best out of your cleanse program. It will also help you reduce your food cravings as well as help introduce the diet change slowly to your body and mind. It may be hard to follow them all in the beginning so do as best as you can. We recommend that you follow these instructions as much as you can up to 3 days prior to starting the cleanse. As a beginner, you may try the instructions for a day before starting the cleanse.


Research says, most adults are mildly dehydrated. Hence it is recommended to drink at least 6 glasses of water every day.


The most important part of these instructions is food. Eat as much fruits and vegetables as you can before 3 days to achieve the best outcome.


With the cleanse you are going to rest your guts or the entire digestive system. At Juice Station, we believe in resting the whole body. Hence we recommend mild exercise before and during the cleanse.


Nothing beats a good night’s sleep to get started with a healthy lifestyle. So make sure you get enough rest before few days of starting the cleanse.

Things To Avoid

Try and limit your intake of the following things.



Processed Food, Meat & Deep fried food, processed sugar, white flour (e.g. white bread & cookies).

End Note

It may seem difficult but it is definitely worth a try. True benefits of cleanse can only be realised when done properly. For one day cleanse, we recommend at least one day preparation. At times it may not be possible to stick to these guidelines and we all go through those days. Do what is possible for you and over time, the process will become easier for you. In short the rule is to do everything but in moderation.